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Who are we?


Black Panther Associates are UK based with 35 years experience working in Property and Financial Services. 


We work in conjunction with leading providers and can supply information on a range of products that investors may choose to incorporate into their portfolios.




Black Panther Associates aim to introduce you to a range of exciting and innovative products and investments which may enhance and diversify your portfolio.


We can assist in the introduction to products and service providers that have the potential to achieve increased levels of growth and income.

Contact Us




01279 842 948




Services covered



Buy to let property


Tax planning


Retirement planning

Black Panther Assocaiates is a trading style of Blue Sky Abroad Limited, and is registered in England and Wales at Lynwood House, 373-375 Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2AW, Company Number 06648201.  Black Panther Associates is not regulated by the FCA and is not authorised to offer advice to the general public concerning any regulated or non-regulated investments. Our products are not regulated investments for the purpose of the UK FSMA (2000) or Collective Investment Schemes as defined in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Section 235) and as such buyers have no access to statutory or regulatory protection including the Financial ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

The value of your investment may rise or fall depending on the market conditions and any other factors.  No guarantees as to the future performance in respect of income or capital growth are given either expressly or by implication and nothing expressed or implied should be taken as a forecast of future performance

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